Florindo and Carlotta – The secret life of snails

Florindo is a disabled poet who has come to collect a prize of poetry in a village forgotten by the world; Struggling to get home, he faces continuous obstacles.
Carlotta is a prostitute who works on one of the endless streets of these desolate places and lives in an old farmhouse with coworkers, extravagant characters and failed artists.
Their meeting will change both their lives.

Title: Florindo e Carlotta – La vita segreta delle chiocciole
Format: cortometraggio
Duration: 15 minuti
Production: 2018
Country of origin: Italia
Language: film muto
Director: Rossella Bergo
Assistant director: Gianpaolo Manara
Editing: Giampaolo Manara
Music: Vito Ranucci
Cast: Cristiano Neri, Rossella Bergo
Distribution: Premiere Film

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