The Toast

The narrative is built around several episodes in the daily lives of five characters (three female and two male), taken either at work in the fields or in playful moments set in the local landscape of the banks of the great river and the sea, pine forests and countryside.
The short opens with the meeting of three friends / co-workers in a day of celebration that, for one of them, will completely transform her life. Love at first sight, a predestined fate, recognition in the instant of a look, it is love that enters into the life of the two protagonists.

Title: Il Brindisi
Format: cortometraggio
Distribution: 15 minuti
Production: 2016
Country of origin: Italia
Language: film muto
Director: Rossella Bergo
Assistent director: Graziana Bergo
Editing: Rossella Bergo
Music: Silvano Pozzato, Guido Domenico Frezzato
Cast: Diego Bertante, Rossella Bergo, Graziana Bergo, Alice Mantoan, Andrea Santin
Distribution: La Clownessa

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