Il dito e la luna

The short film Il dito e la luna intends to focus attention on how, even today, prejudices, beliefs rooted in outdated thought patterns, taboos, etc. they can affect the life of those who suffer them. Not feeling accepted, understood, accepted causes intense discomfort that can manifest itself in various ways.
At the same time, the film project intends to highlight how even where there seems to be no space for art and creativity, they push to the point of overflowing. There is no way to silence that impetus dictated by the soul of a talent and, even if in an artistically and culturally not very fertile environment, creativity flourishes in all its glory without pre-established codes and imposed rules.

Title: Il dito e la luna
Format: short film
Runtime: 15 minuti
Country of origin: Italy
Language: Italiano

Screenplay and direction: Rossella Bergo
Assistant director: Simonetta Barbon
Camera operator and DOP: Lorenzo Pezzano
Film editor: Giampaolo Manara
Composer: Silvano Pozzato

Artistic cast
Main roles:
Katia Ricciarelli, Samuele Spada, Rossella Bergo

Secondary roles:
Barbara Braghin – Factory Girl/curvy model
Elisabetta Parenti – Factory Girl/curvy model
Francesca Angelo – Factory Girl/curvy model
Elisa Romagnolo – Factory Girl/curvy model
Marianna Dalan – Factory Girl/curvy model
Lubita Winfrida – Lighthouse keeper’s wife
Alessandro Trombin – Lighthouse keeper
Corale Mazzorno Destro – Church choir
Marco Finotti – Master
Silvano Pozzato – Organist
Diego Bertante – Priest
Sara Pironti
Anna Negri

Follow focus: Francesco Giacomel
Recordist e sound design: Enrico Lenarduzzi
Make up: Keti Brusegan
Electrician: Kevin Damonte
Colorist: Alice Lorenzon
Subtitles: Lucia Giust
Costume designer: Graziana Bergo

Distribution La Clownessa Film (togli Emera film)
Production year 2022

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With the patronage of Comune di Porto Tolle and Ente Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po.
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